
Welcome to the Grade 5 Reading Blog for St. Joseph's Elementary. This is a place for students to discuss their favotite authors and books.

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Annoying Brother !

The book that i read was called The Annoying Brother its about 2 girls and their older brother. The girls names were Ashely and Charlotte they thought that just because their older brother Max was getting older he would have all the attention and no attention for them. As Charlotte and Ashely went to the farm to check on their animals they heard this big noise in the garage, They went see what it was. Furthermore as they walked in the garage they saw 2 boys and 2 girls. The were trying to figure out what was going on. She asked her brother what was going on and he said its called a band. "Oh yeah a band" said Ashley. Ashely thought if she started a band she will get more attention so she got a group of friends and but them in a band.Her mother thought Ashely, Charlotte and their band were making to much noise so her mother went in to her room and they discussed why the two girls were having a band so Ashely and Charlotte told her mother why. Her mother understand ed why they had started a band. Her mother said no matter what happens you girls will always be attention to me. Charlotte and Ashely learned that you don't need to be older or cooler just to get attention !

By:Jane Drake !

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